Monday, 22 October 2018


After spending time in Portugal we flew to Granada, Spain for the second leg of our trip. Southern Spain was hands down my favourite vacation and I would repeat the route almost exactly if given the opportunity. During our time in Granada we stayed in a cave overlooking La Alahambra near the medieval quartern. It required a bit more uphill walking to get to but it was worth it for the view alone.

We also had the company of great neighbours with some pretty adorable children, though Alex and I learned that children are far less forgiving when you are learning to speak Spanish.

We spent our time in Granada eating free tapas while exploring the city. The city has a lot of great street art, much of it by Raúl Ruiz better known as El Niño de las Pinturas.

We also visited La Alahambra ("the red one"), a palace, fortress complex in Granda. I was only able to book a 2 hour night tour but I would recommend visiting both during the night and at day because the place is completely different after dark. The lighting puts all of the wall carvings into high contrast which made things especially beautiful, though difficult to photograph. While on the tour I had the odd sense of snooping at a rich person's fancy party.

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